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Planned activities for Robot Day 2019

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| Talks |
Keynote: Kevin Warwick: What is it like to be a cyborg? (age 14+)
Shima Ghassemi, Creavo Medical Technologies: Detecting Heart Problems using Artificial Intelligence (age 14+)
Graham Prebble, Engineers Are Curious (age 7+)
Sophie Millward, KUKA: The Future of Making Things (age 7+)
Keith Bevan, National Physical Laboratory: The Redefinition of the SI International System of Units (age 14+)
Heidi Ambrose Brown, Design and Technology Association: Designing your Future (age 7+)
Emma Rushforth, University of Warwick: Robots for Reel (age 7+)
| Indoor Workshops |
Build a 'Bot: Build and code a ChickBot robot (workshop with options to take-home)
Brush Bugs: Make your own models using standard dustpan type brushes, which when complete "run" around the room (workshop with take-home item)
Design Workshop: Design and Technology Association (DATA) design workshop
Biologically Inspired Robots: Programme a simple robot to control connections between sensors and motors so the robot follows a light source or runs away from it.
The March of the Robots: Meccano and Nao workshop from Procter Learning
Robot Dance: Flux Dance workshop to learn coding principles and dance like a robot
Robot Crafts: Cut, stick and glue to make your own robot picture of model.
| Indoor exhibits & Demonstrations |
VEX Robotics: VEX programmable robots for young people (Interactive/demo robots)
First LEGO League: LEGO programmable robots for young people (Interactive/demo robots)
Ohbot: Talking robot head that young people can code (Interactive)
YUMI: Collaborative robot demonstration by Coventry University (Moving exhibit)
Exoskeleton: Assistive robotic technology to ease repetitive movements and increase precision for humans doing manual work (Moving exhibit)
Robot Rescue: Exhibition of students' Robot Rescue project from University of Warwick (Static Exhibit)
DISCLAIMER: Please note we reserve the right to change or cancel activities without prior notice.