Adult Learning
Coventry Transport Museum has a range of activities designed to help adult learners practise essential English and Maths skills.
The activities are suitable for learners undertaking Functional Skills qualifications and other similar literacy and numeracy programmes. The English activities will also benefit ESOL learners.
These are free resources, and are available to print for educational use below.
Alternatively, the activities are available in laminated packs for ease of use while walking around the exhibitions. If you would like to borrow these, please see below.
Teacher Resources
Teacher Information Pack - Entry 2 - Level 1
Entry 2+ The First Bicycles
Answer Sheet
In this activity, learners will practise:
- Using illustrations, captions and images to locate information
- Understanding the main points in texts
- Sequencing words in alphabetical order
Entry 3+ The Pioneers
Answer Sheet
In this activity, learners will practise:
- Listening for relevant information and detail
- Spelling words correctly
Please check with the museum to see if the exhibition interactive required for the activity is working
Level 1+ Transport Technology
Answer Sheet
In this activity, learners will practise:
- Understanding and using organisational features to locate relevant information
- Reading and understanding specialist words in context
- Using knowledge of punctuation to help understanding
- Spelling words correctly
Entry 2 + Workdays and Holidays
Answer Sheet
In this activity, learners will practise:
- Adding, subtracting, dividing
- Recognising and naming 2-D and 3-D shapes
- Describing the properties of common shapes
- Reading time (on analogue clocks
Entry 3 + What could you buy?
Answer Sheet
In this activity, learners will practise:
- Rounding (numbers less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100)
- Adding and subtracting (using three-digit whole numbers)
- Multiplying (two-digit whole numbers by single-digit whole numbers)
- Dividing (two-digit whole numbers by single-digit whole numbers)
Level 1+ The boom in car ownership
Answer Sheet
In this activity, learners will practise:
- Reading, writing and comparing large numbers
- Multiplying and dividing (whole numbers and decimals)
- Using simple formulae for one-step operations
You can book a slot between 10-11.30am, 12.30-2pm or 3-4.30pm
The adult education resources are free to use, however booking is essential.
To book simply contact
Just tell us which learner packs you would like to borrow, and how many of each. (We have up to 30 available for each activity). We also have up to 10 adult answer packs available.