National Portfolio Organisation (NPO)
In April 2018 Culture Coventry became an Arts Council England-funded National Portfolio Organisation.
We are very proud to be one of only 5 NPO’s in Coventry, which will see investment into the organisational aims and objectives from 2018-22.
Culture Coventry is using its total investment of £1.63m to deliver activities that will support 3 of the five Arts Council strategic goals:
Goal 1: Excellence
Excellence is thriving and celebrated in the arts, museums and libraries
Arts Council aim to enable artists, arts organisations, museums and libraries to deliver artistic work and cultural experiences that represent the height of ambition, talent and skill.
Goal 2: For Everyone
Everyone has the opportunity to experience and to be inspired by the arts, museums and libraries
Arts Council encourage our funded organisations to be more focused on audiences – to reach more people, broaden the groups they come from and improve the quality of their experience
Goal 5: Children & Young People
Every child and young person has the opportunity to experience the richness of the arts , museums and libraries
Involvement with arts and culture is crucial to imagination, self-expression and creativity in young people. It also develops the skills that fuel the success of the UK’s creative industries, and that will result in the next generation of creative talent across the country’.