Thriving Communities: Social Prescribing Showcase Event
Have you heard about social prescribing?

Free | Drop-in*
Come to find out more about arts, culture, sports, exercise, health and wellbeing activities in Coventry and Warwickshire. Drop-in throughout the day to get more information from services and organisations, and experience taster sessions such as craft-making, health monitoring and so much more!
#ThrivingCommunities #SPCoventry
Confirmed stalls include Culture Coventry, Coventry Sports Foundation, Health Exchange, Shaw Trust – Thrive Into Work, Healthy Lifestyles Coventry, Coventry Citizens Advice, Grapevine - Help and Connect Project, Valley House, Spring Housing Association, Fablab Coventry, Carers Trust Heart of England, Creative Kindness, Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre, Arty-Folks, Birmingham Centre for Arts Therapies (BCAT), Chat Central/Active Central – Voluntary Action Coventry, Act on Energy, Good Neighbours Coventry, Compassionate Communities, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Change Grow Live, Carriers of Hope Coventry, P3, Coventry Peace Orchard, Playlist for Life, Citizens in Policing, Coventry Community Dental Service, Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing, St Francis Employability, Hope for the Community, Belgrade Theatre, Crisis Skylight Coventry and Warwickshire, Coventry Haven Women’s Aid, Together in Action.

*Please note - admission to the museum is not included in this event.
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