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Object of the Fortnight - Stylist Renderings

14 September 2012

These beautiful pieces of artwork are known as ‘stylist’s renderings’ and were recently  kindly donated to the museum by a former member of the Whitley Styling Studio.

They were created by stylists, and represent one of the earliest stages in car design. After these renderings were produced, model makers and engineers would have taken the design process to the next stage.

This collection of renderings date from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s and most were produced by stylists while working for Chrysler. Many of them have been signed and dated by the stylists who created them. Renderings such as these would have been displayed around the studio walls, where managers would have been able to look at them.

The position of ‘Stylist Engineer’ was added to the Whitley styling team in order to give the stylists some engineering input from the very beginning of the design process. This made it more likely that their ideas would be accepted by the engineering department once the process finally reached that stage.

Do you recognise any of the vehicles that feature in these renderings? Maybe you recognise elements of these designs from cars you once owned, saw in the street or have visited in the museum.


There is lots of discussion about these drawings going on on our Facebook page - if you are a Facebook user, head over there to join in the conversation!

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